Brazing Flux
Brazing Flux 0726 Paste
The flux pastes listed within contain Flux 726 as the active component. Flux 0726 is a corrosive flux containing a mixture of LiCl, NaCl, KCl, inorganic and complex fluorides. Organic carrier systems are used to manufacture a wide range of pastes for flame brazing Aluminum alloys.
Corrosive Flux Pastes are well suited to manual and automated facilities for the flame brazing of aluminum materials.
In addition to the wide range of cost effective corrosive flame brazing products, Flux Schweiß -und Lötstoffe USA, LLC is the leader in fluxing technologies and is continuously developing customer specific solutions to achieve maximum cost benefit in the processing sequence of heat exchange products.
Brasoflux - 281
BrasoFlux 281 is a high-temperature bronze welding / brazing white powder flux.
Easy removal of flux residues.
Good fluidity with medium to long life flux
Recommended for:
Used for Gas welding/Brazing of low, mild steel & copper.
Most suitable for small to medium size automobile ferrous components.
Used with copper based (brass and low fuming bronze) filler metals.
Activity range: 8000C – 11000C
Brasoflux - 291
BrasoFlux 291 is high-temperatures universal braze welding application white powder flux.
Sodium free High activity long life Flux.
More effective at medium to higher working temperature.
Recommended for:
Used for Braze welding of copper, brass and bronzed and brazing of copper and steel etc.
Suitable for flame and induction brazing.
Useable in either powder or paste form.
Activity range: 7500C – 11000C
Silflux - 32
SilFLux is a general-purpose sliver brazing powder flux.
Excellent capillary & Fluidity.
High activity medium life flux
General Information:
Based on specification: EN 1045 FH10. For use with BAg and BCup Group alloys.
Flux removal: Flux residues left by this flux are corrosive and must be removed from brazed joint area. After brazing clean flux residues from the brazed joint by soaking and then brushing under a hot water.
Recommended for:
Used for brazing of steel, copper, copper alloys, nickel & nickel alloys.
Dissimilar metals in the above metal group can be easily brazed.
Ideal for working with a hot rod.
Activity range: 5000C – 8000C
Silflux - 50
SilFlux-50 is a low-temperature silver brazing flux.
Spreads more over the surface of the parts to be brazed.
Smooth fillets & Fine joint appearance.
Good Capillary & Fluidity.
Very high activity medium life flux
General Information:
Proprietary flux formulation. Used with BAg (High silver content alloys) and BCup group alloys. Flux removal: Flux residues left by this flux are corrosive and must be removed from brazed joint area. After brazing clean flux residues from the brazed joint by soaking and then brushing under a hot water.
Recommended for:
Used for brazing of steel, stainless steel, copper, copper alloys.
Application by brushing or dipping of the components.
Activity range: 5000C – 7750C